Creating a high level of trust
Bringing your managerial style to a superior level

Favor the creation of a new generation of responsible managers by:

  • Supporting simultaneously the development of their competencies, relationship and behavior
  • Improving their own and their team performances
  • Developing abilities to build relationships, elicit information, challenge assumptions, support others and clarify goals
  • Creating a new style of management focused on the human person at the heart of the managerial decision-making
Motivating people beyond money

Money is not the biggest motivator. Emotional motivation is much stronger than rational, as human beings are primarily driven by emotions. Measuring the “Motivational Inventory Level” by an outside trainer will get accurate results from employees. Augmenting motivation uses the contemporary techniques developed by Brian Tracy and Alexander Hiam. A must for managers and leaders.

Emotional Intelligence for managers

There is growing recognition that E.I. is required for global leadership, which is a priority for companies that interact across cultures. In the past 10 years, E.I. has risen to prominence as a determiner of success and which can be measured by EQi-2.0 tests. Culturally attuned and emotionally sensitive global leaders need to be developed to respond to the particular foreign environments of different countries and different interpersonal work situations often encountered by multinational firms.

Empathy and listening

Manager’s and leader’s behavior can energize – or deflate – the entire organization through “mood contagion”. Shared behaviors unify a team, and bonded groups perform better than fragmented ones. Social Intelligence includes empathy, attunement, organizational awareness, influence, inspiration, teamwork and developing others. By managing these competencies adroitly, managers and leaders can deliver measurable business results.

Cultural alignment: a tool for leaders

Culture can have a significant influence on the attitudes and behaviors of organization members. Culture conveys a sense of identity for its members, develops implicit rules that govern day-to-day behavior, and provides standards which become the primary basis for reward and recognition. The idea of viewing organizations as cultures is a relatively recent phenomenon. In a strong culture, the core values are intensely held and shared. The more members who align with the cultural values, the greater the commitment and engagement towards the culture and the organization.

Samir Nassif, Ph.D., PCC

Dr. Samir Nassif is professor of Management and teaches Leadership, Corporate Ethics, and Organizational Behavior. He has been teaching these courses for the past twenty years at the Executive and Master level. He also has directed more than 100 theses and chaired panels for 200 theses.

Dr. Nassif is a former Provost and Dean of an American-European university in Monaco (1993 – 2001), and President of the “Centre for Research and Development” in Monaco (1996 – 2000). He is member of the “Strategic Council for Attractiveness” of the Princely Government of Monaco.

Prior to being in academics, Dr. Nassif has had some 20 years engineering experience in the field of large construction projects, in which he managed several hundreds of people. By working in the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Monaco he has benefited from exposure to broad international culture.

After completing his engineering studies at the “St Joseph University-Ecole Centrale de Lyon”, Dr. Nassif went to obtain a Master of Science at the “American University of Beirut” before finalizing his Ph.D. at the “University of Salford” in the U.K.

In 2003, Dr. Nassif joined the I.C.F. (International Coach Federation) and earned a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential. He is a graduate of the International Coach Academy (I.C.A.) and an Executive and Leader coach.

On a personal level, Dr. Nassif actively participates in social organizations including a Committee of Bioethics and the Board of Administration of the Scouts of Monaco.

Finally, referrals who attest about his character have noted: honesty, integrity, respect, trust, patience, humor, and spirituality.